Vision & Mission

At Forest Hills Private School & Retreat Center, our vision is to provide a safe, outdoor learning experience that serves the spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual gifts of all children. But what does this really look like?

Imagine a day in the life...

Mindfulness, Yoga Movements & Breathwork

With daily breathwork, yoga movements and mindfulness practices, children are given the opportunity to turn inward and ground throughout their day. Practices such as EFT “tapping”, chakra balancing meditations, use of essential oils and positive affirmations aid children in calming their mind and bodies so that they may feel centered, in order to play and learn. Teaching children daily affirmations and meditations to feel grounded and centered are incredibly helpful for spiritual and emotional growth. As children learn to navigate and understand what they feel and why they feel it, it is important to provide them with opportunities to practice turning inward and self-reflection.

Play-Based and Inquiry-Lead Learning

Children are given opportunities to experience authentic and meaningful learning, through real-world experiences and questioning: Why do animals lay eggs? How do plants grow? Children learn best through play and discovery, and the outdoors provides endless opportunities to do so.

Forest School Values

Incorporating Forest School learning philosophies into our program encourages play, exploration and supported risk-taking. These values help to foster a deep connection to nature, promote curiosity for all living things, and build self-confidence. (*Forest Hills Private School & Retreat Center is currently in the process of becoming a certified Forest School.) Learn more about the principals of Forest School here: 2020 Principles of Forest/Nature School (

Waldorf Inspired Curriculum methods

A Waldorf approach to curriculum concepts allows for a learning process that encompasses creativity, imagination, and the individual artistic qualities of each child. Children experience learning with their hands (willing), their heart (feeling) and then their head (thinking). We apply the Christopherus Homeschool Resources program for main lessons that encompasses Rudolf Steiner methodology. Learn more about Waldorf here: What is Waldorf Education? Waldorf in a Nutshell - YouTube

Connections to the Ontario Curriculum

The curriculum portion of our program will make some connections to the Ontario Curriculum in mathematics, literacy, science, etc. The curriculum will be approached through a Waldorf lens. Please see below for Ontario curriculum checklists:

Introducing Reiki Practices to Children

Reiki is a very calming and peaceful practice that can contribute to a beautiful learning environment. Children are encouraged to use specific hand positions and energy activities throughout the day to allow for the balance and flow of energy. These gestures allow children to be mindful of the power they possess to help their energy. *Please note, Reiki is not performed on the children at any time without the consent of the parents.


  • Ages 2.5 - 3 years

    Theme and play-based learning in nature.

    The Co-operative toddler program allows for eager toddlers to immerse in nature alongside a parent/guardian and our Guides.

    Parents may stay for the duration of the morning, afternoon or full day.

    Investment: Free

  • Sharp-shinned hawks are the smallest hawks of all.

    Outdoor, play-based learning centers and mud-kitchen.

    An introduction to Waldorf-inspired learning during daily opening and closing circles.

    Ratio: 1 Guide to 8 children

    *Please note, regular volunteers allow for a smaller ratio of Guides to children.

    Investment: $50 / day

  • Cooper hawks are the most skillful fliers.

    A daily Waldorf curriculum lesson (1-1.5 hours, 4 days per week), followed by forest learning based on seasonal themes.

    Ratio: 1 Guide to 8 children

    *Please note, regular volunteers allow for a smaller ratio of Guides to children.

    Investment: $50 / day

  • Merlin hawks are fearless and energetic.

    A daily Waldorf curriculum lesson (1-1.5 hours, 4 days per week), followed by forest learning based on seasonal themes.

    Ratio: 1 Guide to 8 children

    *Please note, regular volunteers allow for a smaller ratio of Guides to children.

    Investment: $50 / day

  • Red-Tail hawks are the largest hawks of all.

    A daily Waldorf curriculum lesson (1-1.5 hours, 4 days per week), followed by forest learning and inquiries based on seasonal themes.

    Ratio: 1 Guide to 8 children

    *Please note, regular volunteers allow for a smaller ratio of Guides to children.

    Investment: $50 / day

Forest Hills Family Handbook

The “Forest Hills Family Handbook” outlines the procedures and policies that will be applied to ensure a safe and efficient learning environment for children and families.

The “Forest Hills Family Handbook” can be accessed here:

RISK Management

Keeping children safe on their learning journey is our top priority at Forest Hills Private School.

Forest Hills Guides and volunteers will assess and mitigate risk alongside students, as it is important that children are involved in the process and acquire these skills with the support, modeling and knowledge of trusted and knowledgeable adults.

Our Guides will conduct seasonal on-site risk assessments and activity risk assessments on an on-going basis, always considering the balance between risk and benefits when doing so.

These assessments are set out by The Child & Nature Alliance of Canada in the Risk-Benefit Assessment For Outdoor Play: A Canadian Toolkit

Examples of ways risk may be mitigated when learning on the land:

  • Posting identification cards and rope barriers alongside children to help them identify and avoid poison ivy.

  • Learning songs to remind children of the importance of checking for ticks, and how to check for them properly.

  • Using helpful communication prompts when children are navigating in nature (ie., “Does that log you’re standing on feel sturdy?”)

  • Offer opportunities for scaffolded lessons to build up to a new activity that may involve risk (ie., Tool use)

  • Conducting daily risk-assessments of the land before children arrive to the property (ie., marking hanging limbs from a storm the previous night and using a different area until limbs are safely removed)

  • Conducting Risk-Benefit Assessments when planning programming and learning experiences (ie., What is the benefit of learning to build a shelter? What are the risks involved when learning to build a shelter?)

  • Ensuring that a “Standard of Care Checklist” is used so that key policies and procedures are well-developed.

    *All Guides at Forest Hills are First Aid & CPR Certified

Program Volunteers

All volunteers are required to fill out a Volunteer Application form and complete a Vulnerable Sector Screening Check. Potential volunteers are encouraged to visit prior to volunteering to ensure that the vision and mission of Forest Hills Private School & Retreat Center is clear for the potential volunteer.

Interested in volunteering? Please contact us here:


The following testimonials are from the 2022-2023 camp and school programs of Forest Hills Private School & Retreat Center, formerly The River Holistic Education.

  • Kate

    “ Our daughter who is four, absolutely LOVES going to The River. Within the first week of going, my husband and I saw a noticeable difference in the way she would play, as well as more confidence in the way she would approach new situations. We love Jordin's approach to education with these children. We are so happy to have found The River. It's been the best for our daughter, and knowing she is well taken care of by Jordin and her staff, it was an easy decision to make by sending her to the program.”

  • Jacinthe

    “ Jordin is following her passion and my little one loves going to Summer Camp at The River. The program Jordin has created is wonderful and follows the holistic approach we were looking for, for our daughter. She is always looking forward to Summer ‘School’. I am so happy with all that Jordin does for pod kids. She is knowledgeable, caring and bilingual. I highly recommend The River Holistic Education any chance I get to share with other parents that are looking for an alternative to their children’s education.”

  • Sam & Alex

    “ The River has been an absolute blessing for our family. We have watched our daughter come out of her shell with Jordin’s gentle and patient personality. Our daughter absolutely loves going to school! We really appreciate how much time the children spend in nature, and my daughter is constantly telling things she learned at school with excitement. We were very drawn to Jordin’s approach on educating children in a holistic way, and the small ratio of 6:1 allows my daughter to feel relaxed and not overwhelmed. We love that the children participate in meditation and yoga, and love the use of calming music and essential oils to set the tone for a relaxing learning environment. I would reccomend this type of education to anyone that is considering it!”

  • Paul

    “ Our daughters absolutely loved their time with Jordin throughout the school year and summer! The atmosphere Jordin creates is phenomenal, and when our girls came home each day and repeated positive, empowering self-affirmations, sang songs in French, and explained all the different things they learned, we knew without a doubt that we made the right choice by enrolling them in The River Holistic Education Program. We highly recommend "The River" and are truly grateful for the experience Jordin provided for our children!”

  • Kim

    “ As a stay at home mother of three, I’ve seen my children almost everyday since they were born. Since my two daughters started spending a couple days a week with Jordin, I have seen amazingly positive changes in them. In a matter of months, they were teaching me things about nature, bugs, the water cycle, and space. It’s inspirational and it makes me feel safe and confident that my children are in a great place when they’re at The River.”

  • Chelsea & Craig

    “ We are beyond grateful for our teacher Jordin, for taking a big step and starting her own learning pod. Seeing first-hand what our child has been learning and the growth he’s had since January 2022, is unbelievable! We are so proud of him. Jordin has such a nurturing, kind approach to teaching our kids. They get to learn in such a beautiful way that honors each and every child for the way they learn best. We also love that our son is learning French! There’s no wonder our children love it so much - because they are allowed to explore freely and openly. We have nothing but good things to share about this kind of teaching and we are grateful to have met Jordin! ”