Meet our Guides

Forest Hills Private School is a learning pod/ micro-school. Our programs are led by qualified educators and professionals including Ontario Certified Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, and Child & Youth Workers.

Hi, I’m Jordin.

Founder & Executive Director

Wife and Mother of 2

Ontario Certified Teacher, Primary/Junior

Lead Forest & Nature School Practitioner, CNAC

Bachelor of Arts - Contemporary Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University

Bachelor of Education, Nipissing University

Intermediate Division, Health & Physical Education

French as a Second Language, Specialist

Standard First Aid Level C Certified

Level 2 Usui Reiki Practitioner

School came easy for me. I was that student that loved a clean piece of paper and a sharp pencil. I excelled in the different subjects, extracurriculars and really did enjoy being a student in the system. However looking back now, I often wonder the person I could have become if I had learned more…

What if I had been taught how to feel and work through my emotions, instead of suppressing them?

What if I had learned how to be mindful, breathe and let go during stressful situations?

What if I had more of a chance to ground in nature, take risks and explore?

I believe that alongside becoming a Mother, being a teacher and guiding children in their learning in a holistic way is one of the most rewarding human experiences. I have so much gratitude for the great amount of trust that is placed in me by parents and their children, and it brings me such joy and honor to be that safe person for my community.

We, as a collective, are guiding the future lights of this world and I am incredibly blessed to be able to witness these lights grow and shine.

Hi, I’m Jen.


Wife and Mother of 2

Advanced Child & Youth Worker, Fanshawe College

Self-Regulation & Mindfulness, Specialist

Standard First Aid Level C Certified

Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

From a young age, I always knew that I wanted to be a Mom and work with children. I loved being around them and everyone always told me, “You’re so good with kids, you’re so patient!”. For me it came naturally, as I was the oldest to two brothers and many younger cousins.

As a student, school came easy for me and I enjoyed being there. However, when I was 8 years old, we suddenly lost our Dad to cancer. This loss changed a lot of things for me, especially school. I remember never really having anyone to talk to and I felt like I had to hide my emotions while I was at school. Looking back on this, I ask myself…

What if I could have had someone to help me explain my feelings?

What if I had learned what to do with those big feelings I really didn’t understand?

What if there was someone to help me understand?

Fast forward to this winter; I felt a calling during a Reiki treatment and felt like I had had an awakening. It became clear to me that the path I was on was no longer serving me and my highest good. I could feel an energy pulling me so strongly away from my current path.

I believe it was a higher power trying to show me that I can still work with children, but in a more mindful and holistic setting. A setting that more aligned with my values. I am so excited to be apart of the Forest Hills Guide team!

Hi, I’m JAyne.


Wife and Mother of 3

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Brock University

Level 1 & 2 Solution Focused Therapy Training, Supportive Counselling with Children

Cross-Disciplinary Yoga Teacher Training, DevaTree School of Yoga

Standard First Aid Level C Certified

Intuitively, I have always known that one day I would work with children. It is a privilege to lead and learn as a guide at Forest Hills. I am constantly in awe of how children speak, move, engage and express themselves and when we take the time to observe our children, it is quite profound.

I am a mother to 3 children and our family lives on a small farm, where my husband and I raise grass fed cattle, organic pigs and grow and preserve as much of our foods as possible. I have a bachelor of science degree and worked for 10 years as a registered nurse in the public school system, where I supported children one on one with differing social and emotional needs. It was a gift to support those children and help guide them to their truth of becoming confident, healthy and happy.

Over the past 2 years I have been homeschooling, alongside cooperative groups with other homeschooling families. At home, and at the cooperatives, we used Waldorf teaching methods- a holistic approach to education where children are seen fully as spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual beings. I have immersed myself in Waldorf education approaches by learning curriculum and participating in a variety of Waldorf workshops. I aim to guide children to learn with their hands, heart and head and move through the rhythms of nature. I have witnessed nature ignite curiosity in children and inspire learning.
Each child is unique and when we foster their interests and discover what brings them joy, we help them learn and grow. My hope is to support children to feel balanced and healthy at each stage of their development, as they move through their journey towards independence.

Hi, I’m Laura.


Wife and Mother of 2

Child & Youth Worker, Fanshawe College

Mandt System Training Certification

Standard First Aid Level C Certified

Since I was young, I have always worked with children. I started with babysitting once I was old enough and then worked at a daycare, for various camp counsellor positions, group homes and my latest position with the Calgary Board of Education. 

My husband and I grew up in Mitchell, Ontario and moved to Calgary in 2009 where our 2 girls were born. I worked as an Educational Assistant in a specialized classroom for children with Autism for 13 years. The class had no more than 9 students, which gave me the freedom to teach students at an individual level. This role involved creating and adapting new curriculum to better suit these students’ needs. The team I worked with had a new perspective on teaching and development of these students on the spectrum; students that have traditionally been put in a class to manage their difficult needs.

I believe my experience applies to all developing minds, and not just with students with Autism. This role gave me awareness of the effect that personalized learning can have when exploring different teaching methods and tailoring the lessons accordingly.  My family plans to have our own children educated outside of the public school system because we see their creativity and unique character as a strength and want that to grow and flourish.

Hi, I’m Nikki.


Wife and Mother of 3

Registered Early Childhood Educator, Conestoga College

Playing to Learn Training

Standard First Aid Level C Certified

Born in Northern Ireland, I now live on a small hobby farm with my husband and children, our horses, donkey, and chickens, outside of a small town called Bright.

I am passionate about working with children and inspiring the next generation - I’ve been bringing smiles and laughter to the lives of children since high school! With over 10 years of experience, I'm passionate about helping kids reach their fullest potential. When I started working in the field of ECE at the age of 18, I worked in a child care center in an infant room until I had my first daughter. When I was on maternity leave, I applied for an ECE position with the school board. After having my second daughter, I returned to the school board to work as an EA with students with Autism. From there, I gained great experience working with children with special needs and grew a huge passion for learning more. I was given the opportunity to work on the Autism team for a year and then I returned to working with a student with special needs.

Before going on maternity leave with our final baby, I knew my passion for exploring the great outdoors and embracing risky play was not being fulfilled. I knew something had to change. A good friend sent me the job post for Forest Hills Private school. As a lover of nature and adventure, I'm on a mission to help kids build meaningful connections with the world around them. I am so excited to be a part of Forest Hill Private School & Retreat Centre! Let's explore the outdoors together!

Hi, I’m Jacob.


Bachelor of Graphic Design, Fanshawe College

Photographer/ Videographer

Insect and Nature Enthusiast

Standard First Aid Level C Certified

When I was younger, I always gravitated towards art and creativity. I loved to draw, paint, and create things with my hands. At the same time, I also enjoyed spending time outdoors in the woods and playing sports with my friends.

Growing up in a spiritual household, I learned to respect all forms of life and to think for myself. This upbringing helped shape my values and beliefs as I grew older. Eventually, I attended Fanshawe College for Graphic Design, where I further honed in on my artistic skills and learned new techniques. While in school, I discovered my passion for macro photography, which allowed me to combine my love of the outdoors with my creative pursuits.

Today, I continue to explore new ways to express myself through art and photography, while also remaining committed to living a spiritually fulfilling and environmentally conscious life. Every year, I look forward to building relationships with the students at Forest Hills and helping them to find and develop their own artistic and spiritual passions through the creative processes of Waldorf and Forest Schooling.

Hi, I’m Alisha.


Personal Support Worker, Conestoga College

French & Psychology courses, University of Guelph

Bilingual Certification - French

Wife & Mother

Born and raised in a rural community, I have always had a deep love for education and nurturing young minds. I married my high school sweetheart, and together we have one son who inspires me daily. 

As a compassionate individual, I believe that every child has unique gifts, and it brings me joy to see them flourish at their own pace. My passion for self-development and holistic education has led me to embrace the Waldorf teaching methods, where I’ve witnessed firsthand how my son has grown into a curious, natural learner. 

Throughout my life, I have cultivated a range of creative abilities that I am eager to share with my students. From making sourdough bread, sewing and pottery to playing piano, some vocal training and beyond, I strive to foster an engaging, hands-on learning environment that inspires curiosity and a love of discovery. Whether guiding students through the process of hand-knitting a scarf or helping them discover the calming effects of working with clay, I am committed to fostering an atmosphere of exploration and personal growth. I feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing community!

Hi, I’m sara.


Wife and mother of 2

Ontario Certified Teacher, Primary/Junior

Bachelor of Arts - English language and literature specialization, Western University 

Bachelor of Education, Brock University

Standard First Aid and CPR Level C Certified

Home Educator/ Sole Proprietor of Woodfield Learning for over 10 years

A couple years ago, our family moved away from the city to slow down, live with the seasons, simplify our lives ... and raise a few chickens while we were at it! We love being outdoors, camping, reading, cooking, and learning new skills together. After teaching overseas, back here in Canada, and then educating children from home for over 10 years, I am excited to collaborate with the team here at Forest Hills.

It is important to me that children move freely, learn at their own pace, and have their interests supported. I believe that all learners can thrive in a joyful, imaginative, artistic, nature-based environment.  Spending plenty of time outside is one of the most effective ways to fuel curiosity and inspire an innate desire to inquire, investigate, and connect. 

I have been inspired by the whimsy of Waldorf education these last few years. Allowing the seasons to guide us, focusing on caring for one another and the world around us, and leaving space for balance and peace each day feels like very important work to me.

Together, we can create a community of kind, loving, curious, confident little humans who are prepared to discover their place in the world. Being a teacher, I have made a commitment to students and their learning. I feel dedicated and inspired to share my love of literacy and storytelling, fondness for nature, and the gift of education.

Volunteers Needed!

Interested in being a part of our learning community?

What special gifts, talents, or knowledge would you like to share with us?